Respond to change in a collaborative, fast & flexible fashion.
Over the past few years, agile development techniques have entered the IT domain, and Lean start-up principles are now prompting organizations to define minimum viable products to learn quickly from customer feedback.
In our experience, mature scrum teams are an essential cornerstone of agile working, but on their own they cannot ensure the delivery of added value to the market.
Close collaboration with business representatives is necessary to ensure that the business realm also spills over to delivery teams.
Leadership that facilitates transparency and a “fail fast, learn fast” mentality, flanked by agile portfolio management, is also needed for delivering customer value in the long term. Our track record with our clients speaks for itself, and proves that our agile approach is successful in the long run.
Agile Awareness Workshop
Business Agile
Agile Maturity Assessment
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
The Scaled Agile Framework is a well-established approach to implementing Agile at the enterprise level. wise:able ensures that organizations effectively implement SAFe.
Agile Software Development
Agile Project Management
Coaching Agile Methodology
Agile Governance
High Performing Teams
Agile Training
About the founder

Vianney D. Lejeune is an end-to-end IT Service and Program Manager with over 10 years of experience in IT Consultancy, regarded as talented and result-focussed by his peers.
His company manages its own IT Services to deliver efficient and quality services related to the Internet for small businesses, and IT support for end-users.
Supported by chosen and skilled IT contractors, including off-shore support, the company is expanding towards other businesses on an international scale.
Further information and references are available on request.